The Marans breed originated in France and is named after the coastal town Marans. It began by breeding hens to various game cocks and marsh birds. Then in the late 1800's Langshan and Brahma were introduced into the mix. Black Copper Marans began showing up at poultry shows in the early 1900's. The Marans chickens are known for the good flavour of their meat and their beautiful eggs. The colour chart for eggs ranges from 1-9, with the solor 9 being the darkest. A true Marans will have an egg no less than a solor 4 and it is very difficult to find an egg above an 8 in North America.
The Black Copper Marans were accepted into the American Poultry Association in 2011, followed by the Wheaten 2011, White in 2014, and Black in 2019. There are many unrecognized varieties currently being worked on in the USA; all of them following the French breed standard.
We have been working on our own lines of Black Copper Marans since 2014, striving to achieve the American Standard of Perfection with this amazing breed of chicken. In 2017 we were forced to cull our entire flock due to Infectious Coryza, however thankfully saved hatching eggs from the flock to preserve our work. That same year we also made a trip to eastern Canada and obtained some hatching eggs from Barbara Doddington's flock.
We are happy to be a part of the new Marans community in Canada, and our counterparts in the USA. We welcome the opportunity to work with other Marans breeders in order to bring this lovely bird to the tables of Canadians.
We are passionate about our Marans and strive for a dual purpose bird.
We chicken keepers at the Hen Cackle Inn are happy to advise that we will be selling hatching eggs and, day old chicks for those interested. Please hover over the heading Black Copper Marans until the drop down appears for hatching eggs & chicks.
2019: We are happy to report that we have initiated annual testing of our birds. Each year we test for Infectious Coryza, and Mycoplasma gallisepticum, and this year(2020)also tested for Salmonella. I am proud to be an annual tester and ethical breeder. The last thing i would want is to pass on some infection to someone else's flock. Our egg prices reflect this extra effort to ensure healthy eggs sent to your farm.
In 2023 we are importing some very impressive lines and varieties from the USA.
Black Copper Marans from Oregon
Blue Copper Marans from Oregon
Cuckoo Marans from no-where- unable to get
White Marans from Oklahoma
Black Silver Marans from Oklahoma
Wheaten Marans from Oklahoma
Columbian Marans from Oklahoma
Black tail buff Marans from Oklahoma
A good friend and travel companion is importing
Black Marans from Oregon
Blue Silver Marans from Oklahoma
Lavender Marans from Oklahoma & Oregon
Cuckoo Marans from no-where- unable to get
The garden pen; juvenile grow out pen
Click on the logos to go directly to the Marans Chicken Club USA website and to the Marans Club website